USB to Serial CP2102 TTL UART


USB to Serial CP2102

This is the USB to Serial CP2102 Breakout Board. This is a great little tool for embedded systems that require a serial connection to a computer. The board can simply attach to a USB bus and will appear as a standard COM port.

Thes CP2102 doesn’t require any external oscillator, it has an on-board voltage regulator, and it even uses a reprogrammable internal EEPROM for the device description. The full hardware UART has flow control for baud rates from 300bps to 921600bps. This breakout also allows you to connect the TX/RX pins of your favorite microcontroller or serial application to the RX/TX pins of the breakout, creating a simple serial cable replacement.


  • Implements full v2.0 USB protocol
  • Needs no external crystal
  • Internal EEPROM for device ID and Product Description strings


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