Low speed, high torque, 25mm diameter Gear motor for hobby robot projects.
Used for our BB1, 1 Kg Class Midi Sumo Robot Kit.
Technical Specifications Voltage: 12V Volt No Load Current: 180mA (@12V) MilliAmpere Stall Current: 970mA (@12V) MilliAmpere Gear Ratio: 50:1 – Speed: 250 Revolutions Per Minute Stall Torque: 6580 gcm
645 mNm
91 oz-inWritten at left. Weight: 90.5 Grams Motor Length: 53.5mm (without shaft) Millimeter Motor Diameter: 25mm Millimeter Shaft Length: 12mm D Type Millimeter Shaft Diameter: 4mm Millimeter Where you can use that motor?
- Midi Sumo robots (Under 1-1.5Kg, 4 pcs suggested)
- Explorer Robots
- Science projects.
And of course you can use it for all projects that suit your own ideas.
JSumo DC Gearhead Motor 25mm 12V 750 RPM SP
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